6 Reviews

CBD Forte Cream – Cannabidiol + Menthol


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  • Cold effect CBD cream
  • Menthol + CBD + arnica
  • ideal for muscle pain
  • Anti-inflammatory
  • Revitalizing/toning

CBD Forte Cream: Composition and Ingredients

Emulsión de CBD. Crema CBD antiinflamatoria. Uso tópico del CBD con la crema Forte, hecha de cannabidiol, extracto de menta, árnica y más


Our CBD Forte Massage Cream offers a natural alternative to topically treat muscle and joint inflammation and discomfort. It is especially useful after intense physical activities, providing relief to resent muscles and joints.


1000mg topical cream with CBD: a light emulsion of cannabis oil with other essential oils designed to penetrate all layers of the skin.


CBD oil,peppermint essential oil, menthol, camphor, arnica extract, rosehip oil, clove essential oil, lemongrass essential oil.

Time of action of the CBD cream

The absorption time of this cbd ointment will vary depending on the area where it is applied. With this method the CBD has to pass through seven cellular layers of the epidermis before reaching the blood, so it can take 10-20 minutes to notice the effects. The average time it takes for the human body to metabolize CBD used topically is about 2-3 hours.

Our products are totally natural, extracted from the hemp plant, which is produced in pesticide and GMO-free crops.

Uses of cannabis cream:

  • Muscle massage cream to relieve aches and pains.
  • Direct action on inflammations and bruises.
  • Long-lasting relief with cold effect.
  • Post-exercise recovery cream.
  • Relief of localized joint pain.

Effects of CBD Forte cream:

One of the main effects of CBD when applied as an ointment or cream on the skin, is that of anti-inflammatory action because: Cannabidiol acts by penetrating the dermis and blocking pain signals in a first phase and then relieving muscle inflammation, causing the muscle to relax and return to a normal state. All this is produced by the effect of CBD interacting with the nervous system and the endocannabinoid system of the body.

How long does the CBD cream last?

The action time of the forte cream with CBD is immediate and can remain generating benefits in the affected area from 3 to 5 hours. The cooling effect of Menthol combined with peppermint extract will give you immediate relief, while arnica and CBD gradually penetrate the layers of the skin and act to reduce inflammation and soothe the affected area.

Why use a CBD cream?

If you are an accomplished athlete looking to relax your muscles or get a good night’s sleep and forget about injuries or muscle pain, this cream with a high concentration of cbd is for you.

The high concentration of cbd ensures a long-lasting rest for hours. No more waking up in the middle of the night because of pain or tossing and turning in bed. You will wake up rested and without muscle pain.

If you want to know more about CBD oil and its effects: Learn how CBD oil has helped other satisfied customers.

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6 reviews for CBD Forte Cream – Cannabidiol + Menthol

  1. Spanish

    lopezprobedo (verified owner)

    Llevo tiempo usando el aceite CBD50% y me está siendo muy eficaz para mitigar los dolores de pierna pero además compre el otro día la pomada y no será la última pues cuando noto que tengo la pierna muy cansada por el trabajo me alivia un monton. Para colmo sufro de piernas inquietas y me las relaja mucho.
    Y además siempre recibo un detallito que uso mucho.

  2. Spanish

    Ana Belén Busto Fernández (verified owner)

    Genial. He comprado el pack revive y el aceite y vaporizador no me resultaron efectivos frente a dolores, pero esta crema sí.
    Me la he puesto por la noche dos días de dolor intenso, y me he levantado como nueva las dos veces.

  3. Spanish

    agarciaperez_1 (verified owner)

    La primera vez que la compro y aseguro que no será la última. Perfecta para el dolor de espalda!!

  4. Spanish

    Alicia Puche (verified owner)

    Funciona muy bien!

  5. Spanish

    manmariana15 (verified owner)

    Esta muy buena

  6. Spanish

    Robert Linquanti

    Excellent CBD cream. Very effective, expertly blended with anti-inflammatory herbs, and a very pleasant smell. Highly recommended.

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