What is CBD Hashish?
CBD hash, also known as CBD hash, is a concentrated extract obtained from the resin of hemp flowers. This product is characterised by its compact texture and rich concentration of CBD, offering a natural alternative for wellness and relaxation. At Greenery, each batch of CBD hash is subjected to rigorous quality controls, ensuring that only the best gets into your hands.
Hash ingredients
Our ThC-free CBD hashish is the result of a careful selection and extraction process, which retains all the beneficial properties of hemp while completely eliminating THC. This means you can enjoy all the benefits of CBD, without worrying about intoxicating effects.
How is hashing done?
CBD hashish is generally produced using extraction techniques that concentrate the aforementioned components, resulting in a solid or semi-solid product that can be consumed in a variety of ways. The exact composition of CBD hash may vary depending on the strain of hemp used, the extraction method and the purification process applied.
Our CBD Hash/Polen
The flowers we have selected undergo quality control in our facilities, to guarantee you optimum quality. All our crops are 100% natural, free of pesticides, chemicals and GMOs. We place great value on quality control, so that we can offer you the best product. Independent laboratories test our products to guarantee their quality.
Differences between Charas and hashish plates
In use these two derivatives of the hemp plant are the same, compacted pollen from the hemp plant that contains a higher concentration of resin than normal buds.
If you want to know more about hashish plates we recommend the following article: Legal Hashish Plates.
Although it should be noted that the CBD roe contains more resin, as a process of friction gradually creates a consistent ball that contains more resin.
Hashish in the end is pollen and remains of the pressed buds of the cannabis plant.